Chakras are an ancient concept that originates from Indian tradition and are considered the energy centers of the human body. The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disk.” These spinning wheels of energy are located along the spine, and each chakra is believed to correspond to a different aspect of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Balancing the chakras is essential for achieving overall well-being, and a seven-chakra massage is a great way to achieve this balance.

The Chakra Massage is a type of holistic therapy that helps to balance the seven spiritual centres of energy that govern various emotional issues; from our survival instincts and self-esteem to our ability to communicate and experience love.

During a seven-chakra massage, the therapist will work on each of the chakras, starting from the root chakra located at the base of the spine and working up to the crown chakra located at the top of the head. The therapist will use different massage techniques, such as deep tissue massage, acupressure, and lymphatic drainage, to release tension and blockages from each chakra.

The Chakra System

When any one of the chakras becomes blocked or out of balance, it can lead to physical, mental and emotional issues. During a Seven Chakra Massage session, the therapist uses massage techniques to release tension and blockages that have hindered the the flow of energy through the chakras. This helps to create a sense of balance and can bring about profound healing and clarity.

The chakra system is said to be aligned with each of the elements. The root chakra (red) called muladhara is connected to the earth. The sacral chakra (orange) called svadhisthana is associated with element water. The solar plexus chakra (yellow) called manipura connects with fire. The heart chakra (green) called anahata chakra associates with air. The throat chakra (blue) called vishuddha with sound, and the third eye chakra (indigo) called ajna chakra with light. The last chakra is known as the crown chakra (crown of the head, violet). This chakra is called sahasrara and is different because it is not associated with any element. The crown chakra is pure life force that needs to flow freely because it transcends the physical body and material things.

The root chakra is associated with grounding and survival instincts, while the sacral chakra is linked to creativity and sexuality. The solar plexus chakra is connected to personal power and self-esteem, while the heart chakra governs love and compassion. The throat chakra is associated with communication and self-expression, and the third eye chakra is linked to intuition and spiritual insight. Finally, the crown chakra is the highest chakra and is considered the gateway to enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

Chakra Massage Benefits

When the chakras are balanced, energy flows freely throughout the body, leading to improved physical, mental, and emotional health. A balanced root chakra can help you feel grounded and secure, while a balanced sacral chakra can enhance your creativity and passion. A balanced solar plexus chakra can boost your confidence and self-esteem, while a balanced heart chakra can help you feel more connected to others. A balanced throat chakra can improve your communication skills, while a balanced third eye chakra can enhance your intuition and inner wisdom. Finally, a balanced crown chakra can help you feel more connected to the divine and experience a sense of oneness with all things.

The benefits of a seven-chakra massage include reduced stress and tension, improved circulation and sleep, enhanced mental clarity and focus, and feeling better both physically and emotionally.

Chakra Healing Amsterdam

If you’re looking for a holistic therapy that can help you achieve overall well-being, consider booking a seven-chakra massage at Na Thai Spa in Amsterdam.

chart showing the seven chakras, their colours, elements and mantrasSource: Colors Explained, chakra colors and meanings

Our Seven Chakra Massages

Please be aware that we are currently only offering this massage on Fridays and Saturdays.

Type of roomTimePrice
Single room60 minutes€ 99,00
Chakra Clearing Massage & Therapy90 minutes€ 135,00

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